Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Professional Development Units (PDUs) are one-hour blocks of time that you spend learning, teaching others, or volunteering.  You maintain your certification status with PMI by accumulating and tracking these PDUs over a three-year period. 

PDUs are aligned with the PMI Talent Triangle® to assist you in developing your skillset across multiple facets, helping you meet the evolving demands of your chosen profession. 

See Certificate Maintenance for tips on how you can earn your PDUs, some of which are free of charge.    You can also reference PMINL’s Volunteer page to get an idea of the many ways that your local chapter can help you earn your PDUs free of charge.


PMI Talent Triangle ®    

Skill Area


Ways of Working

Knowledge, skills and behaviors related to specific domains of project, program and portfolio management. The technical aspects of performing your job/role.

Power Skills

Knowledge, skills and behaviors involved in the ability to guide, motivate and/or direct others to achieve a goal.

Business Acumen

Knowledge of and expertise in the industry/organization, helping you align your team in a way that enhances performance and better delivers business outcomes.